I have taken a number of shots of the same model from (nearly) the same position with different settings to give you an idea of some of the different ways you can view a model. All of the shots were taken using the high quality stud files. I have included PNG versions of all the full-sized screenshots.
This shot was taken with the settings set to values which produce a traditional
3D image. Lighting is turned on, and edge highlights are turned off. The
seam width is set to 0.50, and primitive substitution is enabled.
This is the same shot, but with edge highlights turned on, and seam width set
to 0.
Here, subdued lighting has been enabled.
In this shot lighting is disabled completely.
Here is a shot with wireframe enabled. This gives you an idea of the huge
number of polygons that make up even a relatively simple model.
The same shot, but with lighting disabled.
Same as a above, but with wireframe fog enabled.
Here, the settings are the same as the first shot on this page, except that
stipple transparency has been enabled.
Here, I have used the cut-away feature to cut away part of the model in order
to look inside.
Here, I have zoomed in some to make the seams between the pieces more visible.
This was taken with a seam width of 0.50.
The same shot, with primitive substitution and curve smoothing disabled. Notice
that all the curved surfaces are now faceted.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please e-mail me at ldview@gmail.com.
LDView and this web page are both Copyright © 2018 Travis Cobbs and Peter Bartfai.
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